“i didnt know whether i could tell you before” + “bite me. please”. – zoro/sanji please?

“People tend to react badly,” Sanji explained, avoiding Zoro’s gaze. “It’s easier to hide it nowadays. I didn’t think you’d find out.” 

Zoro glanced to the mirror that had given away Sanji’s secret. They had been on a tour of a 19th-century mansion, and had fallen behind when Zoro spotted Sanji’s reflection, or lack thereof. 

“Well… that’s fine,” Zoro said, exhaling. 


“I’m not going to run or tell or anything.” 

“Oh. Good.” Sanji smiled and yawned. 

“I did wonder why you hardly ever eat. You’re always saying it’s important.” 

“I’ve seen too many die of starvation,” Sanji muttered. “But, yeah. I can’t handle much human food myself.” 

“Were we just going to keep dating until I died?” Zoro asked conversationally. Sanji flinched. “Did you have a plan there?” 

“D—Dating?” Sanji repeated, voice cracking. 

“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?” 

“I prefer courting,” Sanji mumbled, straightening his tie. “It sounds more official.” 

“So, have we been courting?” 

Sanji ignored him for a moment. 

“I didn’t really think about it,” he murmured. “Romance is so casual nowadays.” 

“It’s a yes or no question.” Zoro stared at him expectantly. 

“I guess—yes?” Sanji said hesitantly. “As for what I was going to do, well—I was probably going to hypnotize you later to forget me. Then I could leave your life, and we’d both move on.” 

“Well, I don’t want that.” Zoro folded his arms. 

“Would you rather live knowing I’ll never get older?” Sanji shot back. “I’ll always be twenty-one.” 

“I’m twenty-one now.” 

“I know. I’ll be twenty-one when you’re thirty, when you’re fifty, when you’re dead.” 

“There’s an easy way to fix that.” 

“I can’t turn myself human. There’s no way as far as I know.” 

“Not that.” Zoro gestured to his neck. “Bite me.” 

Sanji’s face lost what little color it had. “You mean… turn you… into a vampire, too?” he whispered. 


“That’s stupid.” His tone was harsh, covering up other emotions. “Immortality’s not always fun. Besides, what if we stop courting or dating or whatever? You’ll still be a vampire.” 

“We can still be friends, stupid.” Zoro tilted his head. “Bite me. Please.” 

Sanji stared at him, pressing his lips together. 

“One week,” he burst out. “Your whole life will change if I do this. You get one week to decide for sure, and get anything done you need to while you’re still human. Have a last meal. Eat garlic. Touch silver.” 

“And then you’ll do it?” 

“Yeah. If you’re sure.” 

Zoro grinned. “Alright. You wanna leave? The tour’s probably almost over.” 

Sanji nodded, grabbing Zoro’s hand in his own as they headed down the hall. 




Hey people. 


Click that link. The GOP’s Senate health care bill would cut 800 Billion just from medicaid. 





If you cannot, message me your info (name, name of your senators) and I will call for you.


Seriously if you don’t have the spoons for this sort of call today or have anxiety about calling, I WILL DO IT FOR YOU I AM COMPOSED MOSTLY OF RAGE AND SALT AND SPITE IT WOULD BE MY PLEASURE




I haven’t seen this info floating around Tumblr, so I’m putting it up here.

Starting June 30th, 2017, Tumblr users will no longer be able to log in to Tumblr using AT&T-affiliated email addresses! If that’s you, go get a new email address! The Tumblr Help Center had a list of domains that will no longer work, and instructions on how to switch to a new email address.

This isnt blog related, but most of my followers are on here, and I’m sure a fair chunk of y’all would like to know this

I thought for sure this was some sort bogus scare-tactic BS, but nope, it’s real.

Between this and Verizon forbidding Tumblr from weighing in on net neutrality issues anymore, I think we’ve jumped the shark folks.